Thursday, February 22


I'm scratching my head, trying to figure out when my two-year old turned into...well A TWO-YEAR OLD! Complete with all the two-year old two-year oldness!

What to do?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've been wondering that about my 2 year old also. Wasn't she just a baby about 10 minutes ago? ;-)

JudesMommy said...

Yes, it feels like it. Some vortex of time swallowed us whole about a month after they were born and is just now spitting us out again...leaving us to wonder what happened!

FortuitousEquilibrium said...

Oh, your blogs are a blast. Thank you for the comment. There are definately days where I need all the support I can get!

PunditMom said...

Hold your breath and hang on for the ride! ;)

JudesMommy said...

Thanks PunditMom! I'm hanging on for dear life! I actually went back over the weekend and voraciously re-read some of my favorite parenting books, Now the trick is remembering it all at the right moment, I guess.

JudesMommy said...

FortuitousEquilibrium, Thank you for the sweet comment! I hope you are having an easy time in these last few weeks before the baby comes. It will be here before you know it.

mikster said...

Since my "baby" is almost 18 I almost have forgotten that terrible two stage. Good luck with it.